View YB Run-Time Parameters Values and Descriptions

In a previous tip, we learned that YSQL configuration parameters play an important role in optimizing and enhancing database performance.

And we saw how the YSQL SHOW command allows inspection of the current value of any parameter.

Another option to view run-time parameter settings is by querying the pg_settings system table.


					yugabyte=# SELECT name, setting, short_desc FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'max_connections';
      name       | setting |                     short_desc
 max_connections | 300     | Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections.
(1 row)

We can also do wildcard searches! Say I want to see all of the YugabyteDB specific settings. They are prefixed with “yb_”.

					yugabyte=# SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name ILIKE 'yb%' ORDER BY name;
                     name                     |                  setting
 yb_binary_restore                            | off
 yb_bnl_batch_size                            | 1
 yb_bnl_enable_hashing                        | on
 yb_bypass_cond_recheck                       | on
 yb_debug_log_catcache_events                 | off
 yb_debug_log_docdb_requests                  | off
 yb_debug_log_internal_restarts               | off
 yb_debug_report_error_stacktrace             | off
 yb_default_copy_from_rows_per_transaction    | 20000
 yb_disable_transactional_writes              | off
 yb_disable_wait_for_backends_catalog_version | off
 yb_effective_transaction_isolation_level     | read committed
 yb_enable_add_column_missing_default         | on
 yb_enable_base_scans_cost_model              | off
 yb_enable_create_with_table_oid              | off
 yb_enable_distinct_pushdown                  | on
 yb_enable_docdb_tracing                      | off
 yb_enable_expression_pushdown                | on
 yb_enable_geolocation_costing                | on
 yb_enable_hash_batch_in                      | on
 yb_enable_index_aggregate_pushdown           | on
 yb_enable_memory_tracking                    | on
 yb_enable_optimizer_statistics               | off
 yb_enable_pg_locks                           | on
 yb_enable_sequence_pushdown                  | on
 yb_enable_upsert_mode                        | off
 yb_fetch_row_limit                           | 1024
 yb_fetch_size_limit                          | 0
 yb_follower_read_staleness_ms                | 30000
 yb_format_funcs_include_yb_metadata          | off
 yb_index_state_flags_update_delay            | 0
 yb_is_client_ysqlconnmgr                     | off
 yb_lock_pk_single_rpc                        | off
 yb_locks_max_transactions                    | 16
 yb_locks_min_txn_age                         | 1000
 yb_make_next_ddl_statement_nonbreaking       | off
 yb_network_fetch_cost                        | 4
 yb_non_ddl_txn_for_sys_tables_allowed        | off
 yb_pg_batch_detection_mechanism              | detect_by_peeking
 yb_planner_custom_plan_for_partition_pruning | on
 yb_plpgsql_disable_prefetch_in_for_query     | off
 yb_prefer_bnl                                | off
 yb_pushdown_is_not_null                      | on
 yb_pushdown_strict_inequality                | on
 yb_read_from_followers                       | off
 yb_test_block_index_phase                    |
 yb_test_fail_index_state_change              |
 yb_test_fail_next_ddl                        | off
 yb_test_planner_custom_plan_threshold        | 5
 yb_test_system_catalogs_creation             | off
 yb_transaction_priority                      | 0.000000000 (Normal priority transaction)
 yb_transaction_priority_lower_bound          | 0
 yb_transaction_priority_upper_bound          | 1
 yb_wait_for_backends_catalog_version_timeout | 300000
 yb_xcluster_consistency_level                | database
(55 rows)

Have Fun!

Allegheny River, Pittsburgh, Pa