Wildcard Search to Display YSQL Run-Time Control Parameters

YSQL configuration parameters play an important role in optimizing and enhancing database performance.

The YSQL SHOW command allows inspection of the current value of any parameter.


					yugabyte=# SHOW max_connections;
(1 row)

There are 300+ parameters so remembering the full name of any one parameter is quite difficult. 

If you remember atleast a portion of the parameter name, you can find it with a wildcard search.

Example (trying to SHOW parameter(s) named like “follower”):

					yugabyte=# SHOW *follower*;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "*"
LINE 1: SHOW *follower*;

Opps, that didn’t work!

To do a wildcard search, we can make use of the \o meta-command that is typically used to send all query results to a file.

The trick to allow us to perform a wildcard search is to pipe all output to the Linux grep command, and then let grep do its thing!

Example (trying to SHOW parameter(s) named like “follower”):

					yugabyte=# \o | grep follower

yugabyte=# SHOW ALL;
 yb_follower_read_staleness_ms                | 30000                                                                                                                                                                                                     | Sets the staleness (in ms) to be used for performing follower reads.
 yb_read_from_followers                       | off                                                                                                                                                                                                       | Allow any statement that generates a read request to go to any node.

Don’t forget to turn off outputting everything to grep by simply issuing the \o meta-command by itself.


					yugabyte=# \o

Have Fun!

Champions Walk - Bradenton, Florida