List Database Level Control Parameter Changes

YugabyteDB YSQL control parameters play an important role in optimizing and enhancing database performance.

In a previous tip, we learned how we can view control parameter values via a wildcard search.,

These control parameters can be set at the session, user and database level.

Below is a quick example showing how to list all of the control parameters that have been set at the database level for the current database.

First I’ll create a new database, connect to it, then, because it’s a new database, verify that there are no control parameters set at the database level.

					yugabyte=# CREATE DATABASE my_db;

yugabyte=# \c my_db;
You are now connected to database "my_db" as user "yugabyte".

my_db=# SELECT datname AS database,
my_db-#        pg_catalog.array_to_string(setconfig, E'\n') AS settings
my_db-#   FROM pg_catalog.pg_db_role_setting s
my_db-#   JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d ON d.oid = setdatabase
my_db-#  WHERE datname = current_database()
my_db-#  ORDER BY 1, 2;
 database | settings
(0 rows)

Now I will change a couple of control parameters at the database level.

					my_db=# ALTER DATABASE my_db SET yb_read_from_followers=true;

my_db=# ALTER DATABASE my_db SET yb_enable_expression_pushdown=true;

The catalog query that previously returned no rows will now list the control parameters I just changed.

					my_db=# SELECT datname AS database,
my_db-#        pg_catalog.array_to_string(setconfig, E'\n') AS settings
my_db-#   FROM pg_catalog.pg_db_role_setting s
my_db-#   JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d ON d.oid = setdatabase
my_db-#  WHERE datname = current_database()
my_db-#  ORDER BY 1, 2;
 database |              settings
 my_db    | yb_read_from_followers=true       +
          | yb_enable_expression_pushdown=true
(1 row)

Have Fun!

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