The YB-Master service maintains the system metadata and records, including tables and the locations of their tablets, as well as users and roles with their associated permissions.
The YB-Master service is also responsible for coordinating background operations, such as load-balancing and initiating replication for under-replicated data. Additionally, it handles various administrative tasks, including creating, altering, and dropping tables.
YB-Master actions are logged and organized by error severity: INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL.
The log level is defined by the –minloglevel gFlag which can be set to one of the following values: 0 (INFO), 1 (WARN), 2 (ERROR), 3 (FATAL), where 0 (INFO) is the default.
The YB-Master processes are very chatty and log ALOT of INFO messages. If you are only intertesed in non-INFO messages, you can turn them off.