A Cleaner Way to Extract Nested JSON Data in YSQL (with Postgres15 Support)

YSQL (YugabyteDB Structured Query Language) supports two dedicated data types to store JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data.

  1. Stores JSON data as text.
  2. Performs operations with text-based processing.
  3. Does not enforce strict JSON validation.
JSONB (Recommended)
  1. Stores JSON data in a binary format.
  2. Allows for efficient indexing and searching.
  3. Enforces strict JSON validation.
  4. Provides better query performance than JSON.


					yugabyte=# SELECT split_part(version(), '-', 3) "YB Version";
 YB Version
(1 row)
					CREATE TABLE roller_coasters (
    name TEXT,
    stats JSONB

INSERT INTO roller_coasters (name, stats) VALUES 
('Fury 325', '{"height_ft": 325, "speed_mph": 95, "inversions": 0, "manufacturer": {"name": "Bolliger & Mabillard", "country": "Switzerland"}}'),
('Kingda Ka', '{"height_ft": 456, "speed_mph": 128, "inversions": 0, "manufacturer": {"name": "Intamin", "country": "Switzerland"}}'),
('Steel Vengeance', '{"height_ft": 205, "speed_mph": 74, "inversions": 4, "manufacturer": {"name": "Rocky Mountain Construction", "country": "USA"}}'),
('Top Thrill 2', '{"height_ft": 420, "speed_mph": 120, "inversions": 0, "manufacturer": {"name": "Zamperla", "country": "Italy"}}'),
('The Voyage', '{"height_ft": 173, "speed_mph": 67, "inversions": 0, "manufacturer": {"name": "The Gravity Group", "country": "USA"}}'),
('Millennium Force', '{"height_ft": 310, "speed_mph": 93, "inversions": 0, "manufacturer": {"name": "Intamin", "country": "Switzerland"}}'),
('Taron', '{"height_ft": 98, "speed_mph": 72, "inversions": 0, "manufacturer": {"name": "Intamin", "country": "Switzerland"}}'),
('Lightning Rod', '{"height_ft": 165, "speed_mph": 73, "inversions": 0, "manufacturer": {"name": "Rocky Mountain Construction", "country": "USA"}}');

This dataset includes a mix of steel and wooden roller coasters from various manufacturers.

To query nested fields in JSON or JSONB column, you are proably familiar with the JSON operators -> and ->>.


					SELECT id, name, stats->'height_ft' AS height FROM roller_coasters ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 3;


					 id |     name     | height
 2 | Kingda Ka    | 456
 4 | Top Thrill 2 | 420
 1 | Fury 325     | 325
(3 rows)

PostgreSQL15 introduced JSON subscripting, making it easier to work with json and jsonb data. Instead of using the -> or ->> JSON operators, you can now access JSON elements with a more intuitive, array-like syntax.


					SELECT id, name, stats['height_ft'] AS height FROM roller_coasters ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 3;


					ERROR:  cannot subscript type jsonb because it is not an array

Uh oh! What happened?

Since this feature was introduced in PostgreSQL15, you’ll need a YugabyteDB version that supports it—at least YugabyteDB (preview) or 2025.1.0.0 (stable / coming REAL soon!).

					yugabyte=# SELECT split_part(version(), '-', 3) "YB Version";
 YB Version
(1 row)


					SELECT id, name, stats['height_ft'] AS height FROM roller_coasters ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 3;


					 id |     name     | height
 2 | Kingda Ka    | 456
 4 | Top Thrill 2 | 420
 1 | Fury 325     | 325
(3 rows)

It’s working now!

Have Fun!

Out for a nice morning hike when I ran into this—big sign saying the gate should always be open…