What is a “yugabyte?”

When I first heard of the company Yugabyte I thought the word itself was a measure of digital storage capacity like zettabyte and yottabyte… But I was wrong!

So what is a Yugatbyte

The word “yugabyte” is a play on words and a unique name our founders created. The beginning comes from the Sanskrit word “yuga,” meaning an era or extremely long period of time. And while the full word “yugabyte” is not an official measurement of data size like petabyte, exabyte, and zettabyte, the ending of “byte” does give a nod to the quantity of data that continues to be generated.

So when we combine those two parts—”yuga” and “byte”—the word signifies data that lives forever without limits. As the importance of data continues to grow, we believe it’s not just the quantity of data created that matters but our ability to reliably store that data anywhere and access it anytime.

And with that, Yugabyte was born, and, according to our name, will be around for eons!

Have Fun!