Using yb_table_properties To Display Tablet Count of a Table’s Primary Key Index

We learned in a previous tip that the YB_TABLE_PROPERTIES function can be used to display the number of tablets for a YSQL table.


					yugabyte=# CREATE TABLE public.emp (id INT, email VARCHAR) SPLIT INTO 8 TABLETS;

yugabyte=# SELECT num_tablets FROM yb_table_properties('public.emp'::regclass);
(1 row)

The function can also be used for secondary indexes, even those that are created to enforce a constraint.

					yugabyte=# ALTER TABLE emp ADD CONSTRAINT emp_email_uk UNIQUE (email);

yugabyte=# SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = 'emp_email_uk';
 schemaname | tablename |  indexname   | tablespace |                               indexdef
 public     | emp       | emp_email_uk |            | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX emp_email_uk ON public.emp USING lsm (email HASH)
(1 row)

yugabyte=# SELECT num_tablets FROM yb_table_properties('public.emp_email_uk'::regclass);
(1 row)

But indexes that enforce a primary key constraint won’t work with the function.

					yugabyte=# ALTER TABLE emp ADD CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (id);

yugabyte=# SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'emp';
 schemaname | tablename |  indexname   | tablespace |                               indexdef
 public     | emp       | emp_email_uk |            | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX emp_email_uk ON public.emp USING lsm (email HASH)
 public     | emp       | emp_pk       |            | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX emp_pk ON public.emp USING lsm (id HASH)
(2 rows)

yugabyte=# SELECT num_tablets FROM yb_table_properties('public.emp_pk'::regclass);

(1 row)

This makes sense as a primary key is just a logical representation of how the table itself is organized on disk (i.e. the hash/range partition columns and ordering columns).  That is, there is not a separate physical storage table for a primary key index, whereas, secondary indexes like those that enforce a unique key constraint have a separate physical storage table…

If you’d prefer to display the number of tablets for a table when you pass the primary key’s OID to the YB_TABLE_PROERTIES function, one option is to create your own version. 

					CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_yb_table_properties(table_oid OID)
  RETURNS TABLE (num_tablets BIGINT, num_hash_key_columns BIGINT, is_colocated BOOLEAN, tablegroup_oid OID, colocation_id OID)
AS $$
  SELECT CASE WHEN c2.contype = 'p' THEN yb_table_properties(conrelid) ELSE yb_table_properties(c1.oid) END
    FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS c1
    LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c2
      ON c2.conname = c1.relname
     AND c2.connamespace = c1.relnamespace 
   WHERE c1.oid = table_oid;


					yugabyte=# SELECT relname, a.num_tablets, b.num_tablets my_num_tablets
yugabyte-#   FROM pg_class, yb_table_properties(relfilenode) a, my_yb_table_properties(relfilenode) b
yugabyte-#  WHERE relname ILIKE 'emp%';
   relname    | num_tablets | my_num_tablets
 emp          |           8 |              8
 emp_email_uk |           1 |              1
 emp_pk       |             |              8
(3 rows)

Have Fun!

Lucy and her favorite toy