cassandra@ycqlsh> TIMING;
Timing is currently disabled. Use TIMING ON to enable.
cassandra@ycqlsh> TIMING ON;
Now Timing is enabled
cassandra@ycqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE k;
84.95 milliseconds elapsed
cassandra@ycqlsh> CREATE TABLE k.t(c1 INT PRIMARY KEY, c2 VARCHAR) WITH transactions = {'enabled':true};
743.56 milliseconds elapsed
cassandra@ycqlsh> CREATE INDEX t_c2_idx ON k.t(c2);
861.01 milliseconds elapsed
cassandra@ycqlsh> INSERT INTO k.t (c1, c2) VALUES (1, 'YugabyteDB is awesome!');
131.63 milliseconds elapsed
cassandra@ycqlsh> UPDATE k.t SET c2 = 'YugabyteDB is AWESOME!' WHERE c1 = 1; -- :)
80.29 milliseconds elapsed
cassandra@ycqlsh> SELECT * FROM k.t;
c1 | c2
1 | YugabyteDB is AWESOME!
62.18 milliseconds elapsed
(1 rows)
cassandra@ycqlsh> TIMING OFF;
Disabled Timing.