List Installed Postgres Extensions

PostgreSQL extensions provide a way to extend the functionality of a database by bundling SQL objects into a package and using them as a unit. YugabyteDB supports a number of PostgreSQL extensions.

To list the currently installed extensions in the connected database, you can query theĀ pg_catalog.pg_extension system table.


					yugabyte=# SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension ORDER BY 1;
      extname       | extowner | extnamespace | extrelocatable | extversion |   extconfig   | extcondition
 pg_hint_plan       |    13296 |        16854 | f              | 1.3.7      | {16858,16856} | {"",""}
 pg_stat_statements |       10 |           11 | t              | 1.6        |               |
 pgcrypto           |    13296 |         2200 | t              | 1.3        |               |
 plpgsql            |       10 |           11 | f              | 1.0        |               |
 uuid-ossp          |    13296 |         2200 | t              | 1.1        |               |
(5 rows)

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