Migrating system metadata between YCQL Universes can be challenging since system keyspaces, such as system_schema
, cannot be transferred using simple INSERT INTO or COPY commands.
NOTE: The YugabyteDB Anywhere Backup and Recovery feature supports the system_schema.types
system table. However, only UDTs that are in use by at least one table will be restored to the target Universe.
Today’s YugabyteDB tip simplifies the manual process of migrating all user-defined types (UDTs) stored in the system_schema.types
system table. We’ll extract the information and generate DDL commands to recreate the types seamlessly.
I have a YCQL database which has the following user created types:
cassandra@ycqlsh> SELECT * FROM system_schema.types;
keyspace_name | type_name | field_names | field_types
k2 | basic_info | ['birthday', 'nationality', 'weight', 'height'] | ['timestamp', 'text', 'text', 'text']
k1 | person | ['first_name', 'last_name', 'emails'] | ['text', 'text', 'frozen>']
(2 rows)
The following script can be used to generate DDL commands for recreating the above types:
shopt -s expand_aliases
# Script: ycql_extract_types.sh
# Description: This script will extract the data from the system_schema.types
# system table, and then generate DDL commands which can be kept
# as a backup, or executed on another YCL database to migrate the
# types.
# Created: 11/17/2024
# Last update: 11/17/2024
# Reference: https://docs.yugabyte.com/preview/api/ycql/ddl_create_type/
# Call Spec:
# ./ycql_extract_types.sh <>
# Important Notes:
# 1. This script is for YCQL only.
# 2. The Database Node IP must be running the YB T-Server process
# 3. Specify the path to the ycqlsh CLI via the YB_PATH variable
# 4. Specify the YCQL user and password in the YB_USER and YB_PASSWORD variables
# Set up the YCQLSH alias below per your environment
# Provide YCQL super user and password
# Check if IP or hostname was provided
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Please provide an IP or hostname for a YB Database Node"
exit 1
# Setup alias for ycqlsh
alias y="$YB_PATH $YB_IP -u $YB_USER -p $YB_PASSWORD"
# Extract as DDL commands (CREATE TYPE...)
y -e "SELECT * FROM system_schema.types;" | awk -F '|' '(NF==4 && FNR>=4) {gsub(" ","", $1); gsub(" ","", $2); gsub(" ","", $3); gsub("\\[","", $3); gsub("\\]","", $3); gsub(/\047/, "", $3); split($3,a,","); gsub(" ","", $4); gsub("\\[","", $4); gsub("\\]","", $4); gsub(/\047/, "", $4); split($3,a,","); split($4,b,","); printf "CREATE TYPE " $1 "." $2 "("; for(i in a) if (i < length(a)) {printf"%s %s, ", a[i], b[i]} else {printf"%s %s", a[i], b[i]}; print ");"}' | sort
exit 0
Let’s give it a try!
[root@cloud-server-0 ~]# ./ycql_extract_types.sh
CREATE TYPE k1.person(first_name text, last_name text, emails frozen>);
CREATE TYPE k2.basic_info(birthday timestamp, nationality text, weight text, height text);
Be sure to run the script after adding or removing types to ensure your backup is always up to date.
Related tip: Extract YCQL Roles and Grants Into DDL Commands
Have Fun!