Add Columns to a View in YSQL

In YSQL, a view is the result set of a stored query, which can be queried in the same manner as a persistent database collection object.

Use the CREATE VIEW statement to create a view in a database. It defines the view name and the (select) statement defining it.


					yugabyte=# CREATE TABLE employees (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR, hire_date DATE, level_of_coolness INT);

yugabyte=# INSERT INTO employees VALUES (1, 'Jim', '02/28/2022', 6), (2, 'Jane', '01/01/2019',
 8), (3, 'Lucy', '09/19/1990', 10);

yugabyte=# CREATE VIEW super_cool_employees AS SELECT name, hire_date FROM employees WHERE level_of_cool >=8;

yugabyte=# SELECT * FROM super_cool_employees;
 name | hire_date
 Jane | 2019-01-01
 Lucy | 1990-09-19
(2 rows)

You can add columns to a View using the CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW command.

					yugabyte=# CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW super_cool_employees AS SELECT id, name, hire_date FROM employees WHERE level_of_coolness >=8;
ERROR:  cannot change name of view column "name" to "id"

Uh oh. That didn’t work.

To add columns to a view, we have to add them to the end of the current list of columns…

					yugabyte=# CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW super_cool_employees AS SELECT name, hire_date, id FROM employees WHERE level_of_coolness >=8;

yugabyte=# SELECT * FROM super_cool_employees;
 name | hire_date  | id
 Jane | 2019-01-01 |  2
 Lucy | 1990-09-19 |  3
(2 rows)

Have Fun!

Thought this was funny - Don't drink the water!