A database superuser bypasses all permission checks, except the right to log in.
This is a dangerous privilege and should not be used carelessly; it is best to do most of your work as a role that is not a superuser.
That being said, you might want to allow a particular database user to become a superuser for certain activities – like running tests in a development enviroment.
Here’s how to how to change a user to superuser in YugabyteDB.
yugabyte=# SELECT usename, usesuper FROM pg_user ORDER BY 1;
usename | usesuper
postgres | f
postgres_user | f
postgresql_user | t
yugabyte | f
(4 rows)
I want to change the user yugabyte to be a superuser, but I can only do that logged into the database as a current superuser. On my database, only the postgresql_user is a superuser, so I will need to log on as it.
yugabyte=# \q
[root@localhost ~]# ysqlsh -h xxx.xx.xx.xxx -U postgresql_user;
ysqlsh (11.2-YB-
Type "help" for help.
yugabyte=# SELECT user;
(1 row)
Now that I am logged in to the database as the superuser postgresql_user, I can modify the yugabyte user to be a superuser with the following commands…
yugabyte=# SET session_replication_role TO replica;
yugabyte=# ALTER USER yugabyte WITH SUPERUSER;
yugabyte=# SELECT usename, usesuper FROM pg_user ORDER BY 1;
usename | usesuper
postgres | f
postgres_user | f
postgresql_user | t
yugabyte | t
(4 rows)